
Suddenly, "God" showed me a sign

A limited number of times, "God" showed me a sign. God within quotes, because, who is he, actually? The same God Jesus told us about? I hope so, because that's absolutely an amazing God. And what God showed me was pretty good aligned with Jesus preachings. I don't know much about God, but it is enough to bow down on my knees and to believe that he represents all the good things I want to live for.

Allright, what did he show me? An image, or a slightly moving picture, at quiet moments, when I was alone in my room. It happened only a few times in my life, until now. In the video at the bottom of this page, I tell about one occasion. I have had three of these experiences. All three were very impressive.

And a few dreams. They were so special, that I think God showed me those dreams.

Feelings and thoughts – a few times very clearly sent by God, at least in my view. I know you think those feelings and thoughts were just my own inner brain process. I don't blame you. I hope you will ever experience this, or maybe you already have: feelings that are clearly caused by someone else, a person you don't see. An experience you will never forget in your life.

And events in my life, that I consider to be led by God, because they matched my prayers so well. A coincidence? Possibly, but to my judgement, too accidental to be an accident.

Altogether I have the experience that someone is with me, someone I cannot see, who loves me, who cares, someone I can talk to and who talks to me as well, in certain ways. Someone who helps me, comforts me or rebukes me, if necessary. That person I call God.

What is known about Jesus is very appealing to me. He explained that God is some kind of father, i.e. someone who deeply loves his children and wants to help them. This also means that all people are brothers and sisters. Jesus cared about really all people, no matter how wrong they do. He made clear that it is important to forgive and to ask for forgiveness; that it is important to set your own interests aside when someone else needs your help. Like Jesus, I choose for the good and against all injustice and hate. It works! Fortunately, many non-christians have the same attitude.

To believe in God is not a guarantee for an easy life. For Jesus himself, the consequence of his faith was, that the authorities were bothered by him and crucified him. But God declared that with this punishment, Jesus had paid the fine for everybody who appeals to this fact (that's what his followers understood afterwards). Good news for everyone like me, who made mistakes you cannot let go like that. And there is more: death does not have the last word. Like Jesus, we can live on together with God.

Now you might wonder how I know this all. I don't have the proof. Maybe not everything I say is correct. But those images, dreams, thoughts, feelings and events I referred to earlier, provide a strong evidence that there is really someone like God, a God like Jesus. Furthermore: the fact that numerous other christians have similar experiences, strengthens my faith. The possibility that this is just a massive illusion, seems unlikely to me.

Because of my own experiences, this faith is not a wild guess, or an uncritical attitude towards my culture, no, it is a living reality.

A few words about other religions, to end with. I think God considers all people to be his children and he wants to be there for people who don't know Jesus too. It seems logical to me that those people can experience God too, in their own ways. Maybe that's why there are certain similarities between christianity and other religions. But for sure, different glasses give different images – images I sometimes reject. I can't compare various religions here, but let me say this: I support an open and equal dialogue, but I have the freedom to have my own opinion and I think that Jesus Christ gives the best view on who God really is.

 Please let me know what you think

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